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Get Involved

Advocating for Change

At Maasai United, we firmly believe that collective action is crucial in achieving our goal of securing our land rights and putting an end to the violence affecting our people. By advocating for these critical causes, you can make a tangible and lasting impact on our community. Here are two impactful ways you can get involved:

Subscribe for Updates

Stay informed and connected with Indigenous Maasai United's latest news, campaigns, and initiatives by subscribing to our email updates. You'll receive regular updates on new petitions, open letters, and other advocacy initiatives. By staying informed and engaged, you can play an active role in shaping the future of our community.

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Petitions: Raise Your Voice for Land Rights

Join thousands of passionate individuals by signing our petitions aimed at protecting our land and preventing eviction. Land rights are fundamental to our culture, heritage, and survival as the Maasai people. By signing our petitions, you contribute to a growing movement that fights for justice, dignity, and the preservation of our ancestral lands. Visit our Petitions page to explore the ongoing campaigns and lend your support. Together, we can protect our land and secure a better future for our community.

Open Letters: Unite Against Violence

Signing open letters is another powerful way to advocate for change and raise awareness about the violence impacting our people. These letters are addressed to influential figures and organizations, urging them to take action and address the issues we face. By adding your signature to our open letters, you join forces with like-minded individuals who are committed to putting an end to the violence and ensuring the safety and well-being of our community. Our Open Letters page showcases impactful letters addressing the pressing concerns we face. Add your voice to the movement for change by signing the letters today.


Your involvement matters greatly. Each signature counts and helps amplify our collective voice, making a real difference in our struggle to protect our land and safeguard our people.

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